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Soupmancer Subclass, Recipe of Cold

Recipe of Cold Bonus Proficiency When you choose this Recipe at 1st level, you gain proficiency in Dexterity Saving Throws and Thieves’ tools you also Gain resistance to cold damage. To Cool For Comfort Also at 1st level. (instet flavor text here) you can use soup healing charges to do an extra soup dice in poison damage on every attack you make. 2nd Expertise At 2nd level, (instet flavor text here) choose two of your proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. 3rd potant poison at 3rd level, (instet flavor text here) when you deal poison damage to a creature it works as if they where weaker to it then normal, a creature without any kind of resistance or immunity to poison damage is treated as if it has vulnerability to poison damage, you treat resistance to poison damage as if they had no resistance instead, and you treat immunity to poison damage as resistance instead. 6th Evasion at 6th level, (instet

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the soupmancer class